Mold Removal Fremont   Water Damage Fremont

Using Bleach to Kill Mold

Each mold infested section of your home must be cleaned and sanitized during the remediation process. Mold remediation also uses the assistance of bleach to effectively kill the mold. Bleach is an integral part of the remediation process in that it destroys all mold species that it comes in contact with. Once the bleach is applied, the surfaces become fully sanitized and immune to any potential mold growth in the future. Bleach should be poured above the surface onto tiles or bathtubs to completely eradicate the onset mold growth. If mold continues to grow after you’ve applied the bleach, contact a professional mold remediation specialist right away! You’ll require the assistance of a highly trained mold removal expert at this point.

Before you begin scrubbing and cleaning, you must keep the windows open to allow ventilation and avoid the toxic fumes. It’s also very important to take the proper safety precautions. You’ll need a pair of strong gloves, a dust mask and goggles to prevent bleach from getting into your eyes. Apply bleach to the mold infested areas by using a sponge and cloth to wipe the surfaces. Rinse all surfaces where food is kept or prepared, as you don’t want any bleach left on the countertop after the cleaning process.

Once you’ve completely sanitized the mold infested areas, you can then use a cloth to wipe the sections down. There are other household items used to combat mold, such as vinegar, ammonia, and baking soda. Although mold can be killed, the roots of the mold may still be left intact. If this is the case, you’ll want to reach out to a pro. Upon further testing, they’ll have a clear solution and remedy to effectively destroy the mold, once and for all!

Mold Remediation Specialists Fremont

At 911 Remediation, we get to the root cause of mold in a flash and provide you with 24/7 mold removal services. Our highly trained mold removal technicians test and inspect each corner where the mold might be prevalent. Once we gather a small sample of the mold, we will then have a better understanding of how to treat it. We have a 24/7 availability rate and mold remediation specialists all throughout the Fremont area. Let us successfully destroy all traces of mold from your home!